Monday, October 25, 2010

Imitation of Christ - Daily Devotion

Chapter 12 : Of the Utility of Adversity

It is good for us sometimes to have troubles and adversities: for they make a man enter into himself, that he may know that he is an exile, and not place his hopes in anything of the world.
In the good that we sometimes suffer contradictions, and that men have an evil and imperfect opinion for us, even when we do and intended well.
These things are often helps to humility, and keep us from vainglory, For then we better seek god, as a witness of our conscience , when outwardly we are despised by men, and we are not believed.
Therefore should a man so establish himself in god, as to have no need of seeking many human consolations.
When a man of good will is troubled, or tempted, or afflicted with evil thoughts then he better understands what need he has of god, and that without him he can do no good. Then he laments, he sighs, and prays, by reason of the miseries which he suffers. Then he is weary of living longer, and he wishes death to come, that “he may be dissolved and be with Christ” (Ph 1:23), Then also he well perceives that perfect security and full peace cannot be found in this world.

Reflections: Pressing upon the Christian, to be sure, are the need and the duty to battle against evil through manifold tribulations and even to suffer unto death. But linked with the paschal mystery and patterned on the dying Christ, he will hasten forward to Resurrection in the strength which comes from hope.

Prayer: O Lord, grant that temptations and troubles may not separate me from you but unite me more closely to you by teaching me my constant need for your help, Amen.
Memories: It is good for us to have sometimes troubles and adversities, for they make a man enter into himself that he may know that he is in a state of banishment.
Practise: Turn adversity into profit by bearing it bravely.

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