Saturday, October 16, 2010

Feast of Saint Theresa of the Child Jesus Robertsonpet KGF

Theresa was born January 2, 1873, in Alencon, France. Her parents had nine children. Of these, four died in their infancy and five entered the cloister. The father and mother were worthy examples of true Christian parents. Every morning they assisted at Holy Mass; together they received Holy Communion.

To be a spouse of Christ had been Theresa’s ardent desire since the early age of three. When she was nine and again when ten years old, she begged to be received into the Carmel of Lisieux. When she completed her fifteenth year, the door of the convent finally opened to her. There the superiors put her virtues to the sharpest test. On January 10, 1889, she was invested with the holy habit and received the name Sister Theresa of the Child Jesus and of the Holy Face. She pronounced her holy vows on September 8, 1890, and gave herself to the practice of the interior life. On the path of spiritual childhood, of love and confidence, she became a great Saint.

Theresa suffered much during her short life, but it was hidden suffering, which she offered out of love for the conversion of sinners and for the sanctification of priests. She writes: “I know of one means only by which to attain perfection: Love! Let us love, since our heart is made for nothing else. I wish to give all to Jesus, since He makes me understand that He alone is perfect happiness. The good God does not need years to accomplish His work of love in a soul. Love can supply for length of years. Jesus, because He is eternal, regards not the time, but only the love.:

Shortly before her death Theresa said, “I feel that my mission is about to begin, my mission of bringing others to love our good God as I love Him, and teaching souls my little way of trust and self-surrender. I will spend my heaven in doing good upon earth.” Her mission is to teach souls her way of spiritual childhood. She practiced all the virtues of childhood, but those that attracted her above all were the confidence and tender love that little ones show toward their parents. Love, confidence, and self-surrender are the keys to her spiritual life.

On September 30, 1897, Theresa, a true victim of Divine Love, died of tuberculosis, a disease that in her case had assumed a very painful character. A moment before she died the patient sufferer once more made an act of perfect resignation, and with a loving glance at her crucifix, said, “Oh, I love Him! My God, I love You!” She was twenty-four years old when she died.

Saint Theresa was canonized only twenty-eight years after her death. She was declared patroness of the Foreign Missions. She was canonized by her devoted client, Pope Pius XI. The Pontiff said: “That light enkindled a love by which she lived and of which she died, having given nothing to God but love alone and having resolved to save a multitude of souls that they might love God for eternity. Her shower of mystical roses is proof that she has begun her work, and it is our most keen desire that all the faithful should study Saint Theresa so as to copy her example.”

Her feast is celebrated on October 1.


Saint Theresa of the Child Jesus, during your short life on earth you became a mirror of angelic purity, of love strong as death, and of wholehearted abandonment to God. Now that you rejoice in the reward of your virtue, turn your eyes of mercy upon me, for I put all my confidence in you.

Obtain for me the grace to keep my heart and mind pure and clean like your own and to abhor sincerely whatever may in any way tarnish the glorious virtue of purity, so dear to our Lord.

Most gracious Little Rose Queen, remember your promises of never letting any request made to you go unanswered, of sending down a shower of roses, and of coming down to earth to do good. Full of confidence in your power with the Sacred Heart, I implore your intercession in my behalf and beg of you to obtain

the request I so ardently desire: (Mention your request).

Holy “Little Theresa”, remember your promise “to do good upon earth” and shower down your “roses” on those who invoke you. Obtain for me from God the graces I hope for from His infinite goodness. Let me feel the power of your prayers in every need. Give me consolation in all the bitterness of this life, and especially at the hour of death, that I may be worthy to share eternal happiness with you in heaven. Amen.


Father in heaven, through Saint Theresa of the Child Jesus, You desire to remind the world of the merciful love that fills Your Heart and the childlike trust we should have in You. Humbly we thank You for having crowned with such great glory Your ever-faithful child and for giving her wondrous power to bring to You, day by day, innumerable souls who will praise You eternally.

O Lord, You said, “Unless you….become like little children, you shall not enter the Kingdom of God” (Mt 18:3); grant us, we beg of You, to walk in the footsteps of Your virgin, Saint Theresa, with humility and purity of intention so that we may obtain eternal rewards. You live and reign forever. Amen.

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