Saturday, November 26, 2011

Entering into Advent - Sr.Francine

Watch! Four times the exhortation is repeated in today's Gospel. "Ah! If you rend the heavens! "Said Isaiah, while St. Paul adds, speaking of" hold firmly to the end. "The tone of this Advent begins is therefore given by the readings.
Advent is the first time waiting for the Lord. "Come back," says Isaiah, "do not let us down" we might add in modern terms. The people turned away from God, he wanders on paths unknown and obscure. But our God, the prophet reminds us, is a faithful God, which responds to that which comes down to it, a God who comes to meet him who waits.
This Advent, which begins today is given to us to awaken our expectations, our thirst for God. Because we are often watched by drowsiness, such as poor driver who has drunk too much and runs into the obstacle. Remain on our guard, be vigilant, live, as advised by Charles de Foucauld, "each day as if you were going to die tonight. "

For God seems absent, as the man in the parable who went on a trip. God is "Wholly Other" that leaves us only apparently, not so much in misery, but to our responsibility as free people and adults. In our families, our businesses in the city and in the Church.
But if he speaks of the absence, Jesus speaks more of his return. We walk to the meeting. That of the end of time, where, Lord, I see you face to face, and I shall know even as also I am known. But also that of the NOW, where God continues to come to us ... "but that night," as said one of the great poems of John of the Cross. Note as well, the gospel does not suggest a return at night, "the evening or at midnight, at cockcrow, or in the morning ..." Yet in the East, once he was virtually no way to travel night, as the insecurity of way was great. So to the symbolic meaning of the night that we must look to understand the night. Night is the time of darkness, those where sink Judas in the Gospel of John, those of the Passion, the time of temptation and trial. It is especially at night, he must remain vigilant.
Ensure the night is expected in difficulties. This is to keep hope when all is black, his prayer is stammering when the winds are contrary. Is to receive from God the grace to hold on obscure, to stand when everything seems to crumble around us. God is there, hidden source, deaf forever, but at night, singing the Spanish mystic poet. And Edmond Rostand, who was not a saint, a special word in his "Chantecler": "The night it is good to believe in the light."
For God comes every day, but always without warning! It is unexpected and surprising. Let us ready for the unexpected visits. This is the season of Advent. Become the watchers of the dawn divine, persevering in faith and charity attentive.
And I would like to conclude this beautiful quote text of Cardinal John Newman I really like:
"Do you know what it means to have a friend, to wait for him to come and see him soon? Do you know what it means to desire the passage of time, pending the arrival of someone who makes the heart beat? Do you know what it means to have a friend in the distance, waiting for his new, ask you, day after day, what it does right now, and it sure is strong ... in expectation of Christ is a feeling that like those. "
If we love, we understand it so well! Good Advent! - Sr.Francine
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