Thursday, February 17, 2011

Prayer in times of Desperate Situations.



In every need let me come to Thee with humble trust saying - Jesus help me.
In all my doubts, perplexities and temptations - Jesus help me.
In the hours of loneliness, weariness and trials - Jesus help me.
In the failure of my plans and hopes -  Jesus help me.
In disappointments, troubles and sorrows - Jesus help me.
When others fail me, and Thy grace alone can assist me - Jesus help me.
When I throw myself on Thy tender love as a Father and Saviour - Jesus help me.
When I feel impatient, and my cross is heavy - Jesus help me.
When I am ill, and my head and hands cannot do their work - Jesus help me.
In the good Thou wouldst have me do; in the pleasures I seek - Jesus help me.
In, the interest I have in loved ones and friends - Jesus help me.

Agonizing Jesus, strip me of all intemperance in the use of life's comforts and pleasures.

Always, always, in joys or sorrows; in falls and shortcomings - Jesus help me, and never forsake me.


"It is not necessary, My child, to know much in order to please Me; it is only enough that you love Me fervently.  Speak here to Me then , as you would speak to your most intimate friend, to your mother, to your brother.
     So, you want to ask Me to do something for someone?  Tell Me his name.  Is it your parents, your brothers, your sisters or friends?  Tell Me what you want me to do for them now.  Ask much, very much; do not hesitate to ask.  I love generous hearts who somehow can come to forget themselves to look after the needs of others.  Speak sincerely to Me then, of the poor that you would console, of the sick that you see suffering, of the strayed that you yearn to see return to the right path, of those absent friends that you want at your side again.  Say at least one word for each, the ardent word of a friend.  Remind me that I have promised to listen to every petition that arises from the heart.  And is not a prayer for those whom are close to your heart such a prayer?

    And for you , do you need a particular favour?  Make a list , as it were, of your needs and come and read it in My presence.

Tell me frankly that you are prone to anger, that you love sensuality and pleasure, that you are perhaps proud, variable, negligent.  Ask Me to come to the help of those efforts, many or few which you undertake to free yourself from those faults.        

    Do not be ashamed, poor soul; there are in Heaven so many saints who had these same defects; but they prayed humbly and little by little they saw themselves freed from them.        

    Do not hesitate to ask Me for spiritual and material goods, for health, memory, success in your work, enterprises and studies, all these I can give---and I do give---as long as they do not hinder but rather assist your sanctification.  Precisely today, what do you need?  What can I do for you?  If only you knew how much I would like to help you!

    Do you have, right now, some project in mind?  What preoccupies you?  What are you thinking?  What do you want?  What do you want Me to do for your parents, your brothers and sisters, your spouse and children , your superiors?  What would you want to do for them.

    And for Me, do you feel an attraction for My glory?  Do you not want to do something for those people whom you love much but who perhaps live separated from Me?

    Tell Me what in particular attracts your attention today, what you desire most ardently and what means you have of obtaining it?  Tell Me if your plans are not working and I will tell you the causes of your difficulties.  Do you not want to interest Me in your quest?  My dear one, I am the Lord of hearts and I move them, without violating their freedom, to wherever I please.

    Are you perhaps sad, or in bad humour?  Tell Me, tell Me, you inconsolable soul, tell Me your sorrows in all their details.  Who wounded you?  Who hurt your pride?  Who has mistreated you?  Come close to My Heart, and find in it a refreshing balsam for the wounds in yours.  Then, you will confess that, like Me, you forgive everything, you forget everything.  In appreciation, you will receive my consoling benediction.

    Are you perhaps afraid?  Do you feel in your soul those vague stirrings of sadness which, however unjustified, can be so tearing? Throw yourself in the arms of My Providence.  I am with you.  I am at your side.  I see everything, I hear everything.  I shall not abandon you for one moment.

    Do you feel ignored by persons who loved you once but who now have forgotten you without cause?  Pray for them and I will bring them back to you if they are not obstacles to your salvation.

    And don't you have, perhaps, some joy to communicate to Me?  Why don't you let me share it with you, like a dear friend?

    Tell me what has consoled and gladdened your heart since yesterday, since you last visited Me.  Perhaps you have had an agreeable surprise; perhaps you have seen grave doubts dissipated, or you have received good news - a letter, or perhaps a gesture of love.  Maybe you have overcome some difficulty, or come out of a trying situation.  All of this is My work.  I have obtained this for you.  Why not show Me your gratitude and say, like a child to its father, "Thank you, my Father, thank you".  Gratitude brings forth new gifts, since benefactors, as you know, like to see themselves appreciated.

    Do you not have a promise to make to Me?  I read, you know, the bottom of hearts.  Men are easily deceived, but not God.  Speak to Me, then honestly; do you have firm intentions of avoiding the occasion of sin?  Of denying yourself that object that harmed your soul?  Of not reading again that book which excited your imagination?  Of avoiding that person who disturbed the peace of your soul?

    Will you be kind to that person who, because he offended you, you have regarded as an enemy?

    And now, my child return to your work, to your office, to your family, to your studies - but do not forget these fifteen minutes of intimate conversation we have had in the privacy of the sanctuary. Keep as much as possible, silence, resignation, modesty, charity towards your neighbours.  Love and honour my Mother, And please come again tomorrow with an even more fervent heart, to unite it to mine.  In it you will find, every day, new love, new gifts, new consolation.  Here I await you.".

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